
for those who feel like they're not enough

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

whether it's the weight you gained or that guy that lead you on and moved on, these feelings of not feeling good enough don't feel good.

from the moment we are born into this world, the word 'enough' appears.

Are we a good enough baby

A good enough toddler

A good enough teenager

And a good enough adult.

Then comes the thoughts of

Do we have a good enough body,
Are we a good enough partner,
Or why aren't we good enough to be loved?

am i a good enough student
do i get good enough grades
do i socialize enough

enough is a word that follows us around our whole lives demanding to be heard and present.

The fact of the matter is

I will never be enough for everyone.

But I am enough for myself.

My body is enough, my intelligence is enough, my beauty is enough.

I am good enough to be loved and to love.

I am enough with or without a partner.

I am enough if I get a C or an A.

I am enough.

You are enough.

Enough of telling yourself you're not enough based on what others think and say.


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