
The power of body positivity

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

We can all say that we have hated our bodies at least a handful of times in our life.

We have wished away our fat, our cellulite, and our double chin more times than we can count.

But when do we ever stop and admire these things that society deems as devious and unattractive?

I grew up not knowing what body image was, and started dieting at 12 years old. I was always trying to be 120 lbs...why is what I ask myself now that I am in my 20's and love my 180 lb body for the beauty that it is.

I know we can improve ourselves, always. But never think that you should put your worth on the number on the scale or on the tummy that has roles when you sit on the couch. Your worth is so much more than skin and fat. It's the beauty that you exude from the inside. It's the kindness that you possess. It's the patience and grace that you have, despite the cruel and grueling world that we live in.

I based my worth off of the number on the scale, a number that I carried around every hour of my day and a number that I thought of before every meal.

These days I know how to love myself, truly.

I tell myself every morning that I LOVE myself, to myself in the mirror despite what I ate or the bloating that may be going on in my tummy.

My worth stems from my mental capabilities and what I do on an everyday basis to make a difference in this world.

My rolls do not define me. My hair (short or long) does not define me. And other people do not define me (or YOU!).

Much love,


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